Together for Health: Annual Activity Report 2023
The document details the actions developed during the first year of the Program, ensuring transparency for society and partners. Launched in 2023, ...
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Implementation period: September 2023 to August 2024
Presentation and description:
The Dashboard of Mental Health Indicators (or Painel de Indicadores em Saúde Mental in Portuguese) aims to simplify access to essential data for mental health municipal coordinators. These professionals play a critical role in managing health services and ensuring the delivery of mental healthcare across their respective territories.The initiative focuses on developing, implementing, and enhancing a digital dashboard to provide reliable mental health indicators, supporting the management actions of Municipal Health Departments.
The dashboard aims to:
– Facilitate the analysis of mental health service data within municipalities.
– Support decision-making processes for more strategic and informed management.
– Improve the overall quality of mental healthcare services delivered to the population.
By offering a user-friendly tool, the project enables mental health professionals to better understand the needs of their territories and populations, ultimately fostering improvements in public mental health services.
Public Center of Psychosocial Attention for alcohol and other drugs (CAPS), in Quixadá (Ceará).
“The coordinations of mental health services within the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) often face overwhelming workload. When they need to make a wider analysis, such as evaluating different services in the municipality simultaneously, they do not have access to a simple source of information. Our platform enhances their work by providing quick access to accurate indicators, enabling more strategic and informed decisions”, says Daniela Krausz, Mental Health Leader at ImpulsoGov.
Beneficiary description:
The Dashboard of Mental Health Indicators benefits public health service managers, such as professionals who coordinate the Psychosocial Care Networks in municipalities and mental health services. They are also responsible for leading the services provided in the municipalities and are the main decision-makers regarding the care offered to the population. By addressing the scarcity of data about both mental healthcare managers and service users, this project organises and presents critical public information, fostering a more efficient and responsive mental healthcare system.
Municipalities served:
North region:
Pará (Santarém).
Northeast region:
Alagoas (Palmeira dos Índios), Ceará (Pacatuba, Quixadá, Quixeramobim), Paraíba (Monteiro, Princesa Isabel), Pernambuco (Serra Talhada), Piauí (Piripiri) and Sergipe (Lagarto).
To access the full interactive map with all of the municipalities contemplated by the initiative, click here and check the box named ‘Painel de Indicadores em Saúde Mental’ (Dashboard of Mental Health Indicators, in Portuguese).
ImpulsoGov is a non-profit organization that aims to support governments and public healthcare workers in the development and improvement of the Brazilian Unified System (SUS). The organization offers freely-available data-driven solutions that facilitate the decision-making turning high-quality data into action, so that health professionals can act preventively in the areas of primary care and mental health. With a multidisciplinary team experienced in health, technology, and government, ImpulsoGov has already positively impacted more than 19 million people who rely exclusively on the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS), through direct support to more than 215 Brazilian municipalities.
The National Bank of Economic and Social Development (BNDES) is a federal public company linked to the Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade and Services. It is the Federal Government’s main instrument for long-term financing and investment in all segments of the Brazilian economy, with the aim of improving the lives of generations, promoting economic, social and environmental development. It operates throughout the country, from its office in Rio de Janeiro (RJ), where its activities are concentrated, with official headquarters in Brasília (DF) and regional offices in São Paulo (SP) and Recife (PE).
RD Saúde is an integral health ecosystem, with 3,000 pharmacies across Brazil and health ventures which share the purpose of fostering a healthier society by taking care of their customers, employees and the planet. Its goal is to help shape the future of healthcare through innovative technology and personalized care, within an open ecosystem of health solutions. Currently, it is the largest pharmacy chain in Brazil, expanding beyond pharmaceutical retail to encompass B2B solutions and digital platforms, while incorporating sustainability at the core of its strategy.
IDIS – Institute for the Development of Social Investment, is a civil society organization founded in 1999 and pioneer in technical support to social investors in Brazil. With the mission to inspire, support and promote strategic philanthropy and its impact, they serve individuals, families, companies, corporate and family run institutes and foundations, as well as with civil society organizations, in actions that transform realities and contribute to the reduction of social inequality in the country. Their actions are based on the tripod of generating knowledge, offering advisory and developing social impact projects that contribute to the strengthening of the ecosystem of strategic philanthropy and of giving culture.
The document details the actions developed during the first year of the Program, ensuring transparency for society and partners. Launched in 2023, ...
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