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Impulso Previne

Executor: ImpulsoGov

Implementation period:


Presentation and description:

Impulso Previne is a digital solution that centralizes data, analyses, and makes recommendations on the main indicators of Primary Health Care in one single platform. Primary Care is the first level of structuring and organizing for health care services and it is considered the gateway to the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS). Not only that it is responsible for organizing the flow of care, as well as guaranteeing a health routine that leads to a better quality of life for the people who use the system.

The Impulso Previne platform provides essential data for managing care and tracking health indicators that must be monitored and reported to the Ministry of Health. Therefore, in a quick and uncomplicated way, the solution facilitates the prioritization of actions by the teams at the Basic Health Units (UBS) and significantly improves the quality of the services provided at the UBSs.

Through the platform, health teams can access updated information about patients in an individualized way based on health indicators. An example is that the tool allows identifying the women that have not undergone the preventive cervical cancer examination and then, the health team responsible can identify them and offer the exams.

In addition, throughout the project, the Health Departments of the benefiting municipalities receive training and technical support from the ImpulsoGov team so that they can continue to use the technology provided. 

Beneficiary description: 

The beneficiaries of this project are the Basic Health Units (UBS) of various municipalities in the North and Northeast and their health professionals (nurses, doctors, primary care coordinators etc.).

Cycle 1

Implementation Period: September 2023 to June 2024

Presentation and description:

In this cycle, developed in partnership with Instituto Dynamo, the initiative focused on strengthening management in 19 municipalities through an increase on the use of health indicators, especially the cytopathological indicator, essential for the prevention of cervical cancer. From the beginning, other indicators related to women’s health, pregnant women’s health, chronic diseases, and vaccination have also been addressed, thus promoting a full and integrated approach to healthcare. 

As this is a serious problem for women’s health, the project contributed to increasing the number of screened women whose preventive exams needed to be carried out, strengthening the disease prevention actions and the quality of Primary Health Care.

During implementation, important goals were achieved: 

– Strengthening of data-driven management, improving analysis and strategic actions guided by Primary Care indicators;

– Expansion of professional training through the qualification of professionals for the optimized use of data and improvement of health services;

– Improvement of results in cervical cancer prevention, strengthening more efficient and extensive preventive follow-up for women.

Basic Health Center (UBS) in Jandaíra (BA), in April 2024.

“We offer simple and effective management tools focused on health prevention indicators. Through them, SUS professionals can identify, for example, women that haven’t had a preventive cervical cancer test in a given neighborhood. This information is essential to guide the work of health professionals and contributes to improving the care available to the population”, explains João Abreu, Co-founder and executive-director at ImpulsoGov.

Municipalities served:

North region:

Amapá (Mazagão, Oiapoque), Amazonas (Lábrea), Pará (Afuá), Roraima (Bonfim) and Tocantins (Rio da Conceição). 

Northeast region:

Bahia (Inhambupe, Jacobina, Jandaíra), Ceará (Tarrafas), Maranhão (Brejo de Areia, Carolina, Colinas, Nova Olinda do Maranhão, Viana), Pernambuco (Tamandaré), Piauí (Cristino Castro, Fartura do Piauí, Santa Luz).

To access the interactive map with the municipalities benefiting from the Program, click here.

Cycle 2:

Implementation period: January 2024 to December 2025

Presentation and description:

In this cycle, developed in partnership with Umane, Impulso Previne will be expanded to another 240 cities in all the states of the North and Northeast. The project will not only focus on encouraging the detection of cervical cancer but also on the improvement of other prevention indicators, such as those related to childhood vaccination, early diagnosis of cervical cancer (pap smear test), adequate prenatal and dental care for pregnant women, and follow-up for people with diabetes and hypertension. 

In addition, this second cycle focuses on developing and improving two actions:

– Development of lists with detailed patient statuses and training for health managers in relation to Primary Health Care indicators;

– Development of personalized messaging functionality, sending text messages directly to citizens, promoting the dissemination of relevant information on health care and raising awareness among the population and closer contact with health professionals.

Added to the enhancement of these functionalities for the current municipalities, through the development of new technologies, these will also become available for others who also use the ImpulsoGov solution.

Municipalities served:

To access the interactive map with the municipalities benefiting from the Program, click here.

The project is supported by Together for Health, an initiative by the National Bank of Economic and Social Development (BNDES), in partnership with private donors, to gather resources to expand healthcare access for the Brazilian population in the North and Northeast regions of the country.


ImpulsoGov is a non-profit organization that aims to support governments and public healthcare workers in the development and improvement of the Brazilian Unified System (SUS). The organization offers  freely-available data-driven solutions that facilitate the decision-making turning high-quality data into action, so that health professionals can act preventively in the areas of primary care and mental health. With a multidisciplinary team experienced in health, technology, and government, ImpulsoGov has already positively impacted more than 19 million people who rely exclusively on the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS), through direct support to more than 215 Brazilian municipalities.

General supporter

The National Bank of Economic and Social Development (BNDES) is a federal public company linked to the Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade and Services. It is the Federal Government’s main instrument for long-term financing and investment in all segments of the Brazilian economy, with the aim of improving the lives of generations, promoting economic, social and environmental development. It operates throughout the country, from its office in Rio de Janeiro (RJ), where its activities are concentrated, with official headquarters in Brasília (DF) and regional offices in São Paulo (SP) and Recife (PE).

Supporter Cycle 1

Dynamo Institute is a nonprofit association that aims to promote and encourage human development and contribute to the reduction of social inequalities through the funding and support of social projects. Education has been their focus of work since the beginning with training projects in early childhood education, support for public schools, various activities in the school outside of school hours, scholarships, among other things. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Institute decided to broaden its focus by financing and supporting projects in the health sector.

Supporter Cycle 2

Umane is an independent, non-partisan and non-profit civil society organization that promotes initiatives in the field of public health with the aim of contributing to a more resolute Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) and improving the quality of life of people living in Brazil. Umane operates through three programs: Comprehensive Care for Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (DCNT), with initiatives to control risk factors, screening, expanding access to health and monitoring risk factors in Primary Health Care; Strengthening of Primary Health Care (APS) as the coordinator of care in SUS, through support for initiatives aimed at improving operations, team productivity, integration of services and the incorporation of new technologies into the health system; and the Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health program, funding programs that track and monitor unfavorable outcomes during pregnancy and health conditions of children and adolescents in the context of Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases and risk factors.


IDIS – Institute for the Development of Social Investment, is a civil society organization founded in 1999 and pioneer in technical support to social investors in Brazil. With the mission to inspire, support and promote strategic philanthropy and its impact, they serve individuals, families, companies, corporate and family run institutes and foundations, as well as with civil society organizations, in actions that transform realities and contribute to the reduction of social inequality in the country. Their actions are based on the tripod of generating knowledge, offering advisory and developing social impact projects that contribute to the strengthening of the ecosystem of strategic philanthropy and of giving culture.

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